Newly Updated: Is The US, And Great Britain, In End-Times Bible Prophecy?
In pages worn, a sign to the wise,
Where echoes linger, truth in time lies.
A tapestry woven from ancient threads,
In plain sight, the map, where the Spirit treads.
Lost sheep wander, down paths overgrown,
Traditions followed, and ways transgressed, ours alone.
The Shepherd divides the darkness from the light,
Though, our backs turn, shunning His eternal might.
The Book, a mirror, reflecting our fate,
Yet we close the covers, and seal up the gate.
Fickle hearts drift on a wandering breeze,
Our roots long lost, to lies we bend our knees.
In every line penned, our legacy waits,
For Jacob’s children, it's love our Lord creates.
Embrace the horizon, awaken, be one,
Why roam night's shadows, when truth’s in the sun?
Reclaim the forgotten, the sacred, the bold,
Let stories of old in our souls be retold.
Earnest minds open, Heaven's light shines through,
Wisdom clasps redemptive hands—God's Spirit is true.
It’s been said, the best place to hide something is in plain sight. And our Biblical identity is right there in front of us in the pages of the Biblical record. The entire New Testament is written to and for us, the House of Israel, the indigenous Christian nations of the West, in the Christian age. It is not written for any other people. Christ wasn't wrong or confused when he plainly stated, "I am sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." [Mat. 15:24]. Yet where is knowledge of the House of Israel today? We Christians understand none of this because we’ve decided, for some strange reason, to reject that which Christ gave us. We’ve turned our backs on the love of the truth of the word of God.
In its place, Christianity perpetuates the myth of a guy in a red suit with festive wrapped packages whizzing through the night sky pulled along by flying reindeer. We think its so cute to lie to our children about Santa Claus. But when they get older and realize they were lied to, we wonder, why don't they believe us about our Savior Jesus Christ? [Pro. 22:6]. And on top of this, according to those who keep track of these things, we spend upwards of a trillion dollars a year passing along our generational blind devotion to the Santa tradition. [Mat. 6:24]. Therefore, our eyes don't see and our ears don't hear. [See 2 Ths. 2:10-12; also the Sneakers article, Birthdays Of The Gods].
So, we are told, “The United States is absent from end-times Bible prophecy.” And we believe these hirelings. [See the Feature article, Trust the Shepherd, Not The Hireling]. This lie goes to the heart of our predicament, which is cemented in our profound ignorance. For some reason, many US Christian evangelists and pastors in all sorts of forums propagate this observation. But the simple fact of the matter is that it’s not true. Not by a long shot. This prophetic blindness comes about because of a simple fact we’ve mentioned many, many times before. When we don’t know our place in Biblical history, we can’t know our place in Biblical prophecy. As George Orwell noted, "The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." He couldn't be more correct.
The US and Great Britain are not only not “absent from end-times Bible prophecy,” but are in the forefront as evidenced by current events. Following these religious hirelings, we are led to our destruction. We've become a clueless herd plodding past the wide gate, down the broad way towards the abattoir, the time we commonly call the "Apocalypse." [See the Feature article, And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor].
Naively, the US, and Great Britain, are leading the way by funding, in theological, immoral and financial terms, the Antichrist’s emergence, Babylon the Great, Big Brother that we read about in Revelation 13. [See the Feature article, Is That You, Big Brother?]. Despite any initial hope generated, the recent election of Donald Trump as US president will not change this situation. The remedy to our predicament goes far above the pay grade of any president or prime minister.
It all goes back to Christ's clear pivotal statement made to a gentile woman, which modern day "Christian" leaders ignore and treat as anything but the truth. Christ was explicit in stating, “I am not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” [Mat. 15:24]. As Christ our LORD said, “The House of Israel are my people.” [Eze. 34:30]. All this is supported by accounts and prophecies throughout the entirety of the Biblical record. Therefore, finding the pathway to getting out of our grave predicament is bypassed when we have no understanding of what we're reading in the Biblical record because we have no clue who we, or others, are for that matter. [See the Book Excerpt, The Curious Elephant, Riding Rogue Ponies Into The Apocalypse].
Our history was on its way to being eradicated with the Roman church cleric Jerome's 5th century Latin Vulgate translation of the Biblical record, labelling us, the House of Israel, as gentiles. [See the Feature article, Moving Forward]. To this day modern 21st century "Christianity" believes the gentile lies, rather than these clear statements by our LORD and Savior. The truthful understanding of our history has been obliterated. We and our nations are being destroyed just as the prophecies tell us.
Also, please bear in mind, Biblically, the Jews are the House of Judah. [1 Kng. 22:10; also Neh. 1:2]. They are not the Israeli Zionists governing the Middle East state of Israel who lay claim to being Jews, but are not. They're descendants of Esau/Edom. [See Rev. 3:9]. This critical and vital distinction is lost on the newly nominated US ambassador to Zionist Israel, a "Christian Zionist." [Video: Zionist Ambassador; Madaba Map, Palestine 565 CE]. The term "Christian Zionist" is an oxymoron as political/secular Zionism, started by Theodor Herzl in 1897, is anti-Christian, and should not be confused or conflated with the Biblical promises given to Abraham thousands of years ago.1 [Zionists Enemy Of Jews, Christianity And Islam; also see the Feature article, The Tale Of Two Covenants; and the maps, 2 Kingdoms, House of Israel, House of Judah, and Tribes Of Ancient Israel, notice location of Edom's land].
Therefore, we follow the "Christian" hirelings, and the "Christian" Zionists, who, in lockstep with Edom's "wholehearted joy and spiteful minds," lead us into unlawful wars that will result in our complete and utter ruin, making our land "more desolate than the Arabian desert wilderness" according to the end-times prophecies. [Eze. 6:11-14]. These hirelings sweep away Christ’s clear statements, wrongly telling us, “The United States is absent from end-times Bible prophecy.” The same mistaken belief applies to Great Britain and the Western Christian nations. [See the Feature articles, The Princes Of A Plundered House and The Little Horn: First Century Antichrist].
Our regular readers know the US in Biblical prophecy is Manasseh, the son of Joseph, the son of Israel, of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel.” Manasseh, through Joseph, is one of the nations of Israel in the last days with a national identity according to the end-time, or last days, prophecy in Genesis 49. Joseph, through his son Ephraim, is the kingly line of the House of Israel, Great Britain, to this day. And after more than seven decades of rule by Queen Elizabeth, for better or worse a king once again is on the throne of Israel. [Again, see the Feature article, Paul Was An Apostle To The House Of Israel, Not The Gentiles]. We'll find out in the very near future what implications this may hold for the House of Israel. [1 Kng. 11:31; 12:20]. [See the Feature article, Obadiah And The Prophetic Parable Of The Tares].
A cursory scan of today’s headlines for the US and Great Britain brings this into focus, particularly with recent events of the past couple years, and for decades in the Middle East, although the two brother's keen interest in the Middle East goes back to the discovery of the vast oil reserves there more than 100 years ago. Today, the US, in violation of international law, occupies areas of eastern Syria and is stealing Syria's oil daily, supporting Zionist Israel's Palestinian genocide, while the western Zionist media are virtually silent about this when compared to their petulant squawking about Russia's existential SMO in Ukraine. [See US Oil Looting, also 1908 Oil Discovered In Persia (Iran); the future of the US and Great Britain prophetically is tied to the fate of Syria. As the US has participated in the destruction of Syria in support of the Zionist "Greater Israel Plan," unwittingly they are sealing the fate of the US and the West as well; again see the Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins].
Please keep in mind, that while both the US and UK were founded as Christian nations, today their governments, both official and "deep state," are controlled by the descendants, the children of Edom, aided and abetted by the children of Dan [Gen. 49:16-17], a brother of Joseph, but who forsook the land given by lot from God when Israel entered into the promised land led by Joshua. They quickly set up graven images to worship in a land of their choosing. This is why the tribe of Dan is omitted from the list in Revelation 7 of the 12 sealed tribes of Israel, the 144,000, "And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed ...." Dan's place is taken by Joseph's birthright son Manasseh. [See Rev. 7:4-8; see the Sneakers article, Who Is Dan, And Where Did He Go?]. Interestingly, Esau/Edom sold his birthright inheritance to his brother Jacob/Israel. [Gen. 25:32, 33]. Both Edom and Dan, Zionists, relinquished their claim over their inheritance given to them by God, and both are working together in the last days to get it back. This is the casus belli of our situation today among the nations of the House of Israel, though we remain clueless. [See The Blind Man's Elephant, Chapter Six; The Genesis Birthright, p. 185].
Genesis 48
Russia, India, Iran and China are trading in each others currencies. Russia and Iran only trade in their currencies, bypassing the US dollar altogether. The BRICS+ nations are using a mechanism to trade in each other's currency as well. And increasingly, more countries are opting out of solely using the US petrodollar for trade. [See Yuan Reserve Currency]. The British pound preceded the dollar as the world’s reserve currency beginning in the 19th century. It remained so until the middle of the 20th century. Today, the pound is the world’s third most popular reserve currency behind the euro. All three currencies are of the House of Israel. But the future for all three are looking very precarious at the moment in light of the NWO/West's sanctions on Russia, and the emergence of a multipolar world.
In Genesis 49:10, it states, "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people." The scepter, the symbol of sovereignty, was to remain with the House of Judah until Christ's first coming. Shiloh refers to our Savior, Jesus Christ, the king of kings. [See Rev. 22:16]. Recall, the House of Israel was divorced from God, Jer. 3:6-8, until the new covenant came into force in the first century, when Christ broke the old law covenant. [For more details, see the Feature article, Paul Was An Apostle To The House Of Israel, Not The Gentiles; Zec. 11:10].
The House of Judah is blind to Christ's first coming in this age. They are the part of Israel blind to the new covenant. [Rom. 11:25]. As Paul said, preaching the gospel to them was a stumbling block. [1 Cor. 1:23]. Christ is our king. In the Christian age, he is gathering to him his firstfruits. [1 Cor. 15:20-23]. The reference to obedience of the people in this age is through the gift of the Spirit of God. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." [Rom. 8:14]. However, the ultimate fulfilling of this prophecy takes effect at Christ's second coming.
The scepter, the power and sovereign authority, is Christ's as our King and Savior. The birthright remained with Ephraim and Manasseh from the first century. It was made manifest with the initial formation of the nations of the House of Israel, beginning about 800 CE resulting in our current day nation-state configuration, US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, etc. The goal of seeking to destroy the nations of Israel, nationalism, by the anti-Christian globalists is an attempt to undermine the birthright of Ephraim and Manasseh by the descendants of Edom according to the Genesis 27 birthright inheritance prophecy.
Yet, we just don’t get it even though Christ plainly said he was sent only to the House of Israel, of which both Ephraim and Manasseh are first among their brother's nations today. Our Biblical identity is hiding in plain sight. It’s in our own history books3 and still we don’t see it.
However, our birthright is under attack by Big Brother, aka the real white supremacists, Edom as a prelude to Babylon the Great, the sixth head of the Beast written of in Revelation 17. The attack can be seen throughout the US and Great Britain under the guise of "white privilege." A major US university offered a course on "how educators should face white privilege in their classrooms." Being white, i.e., the House of Israel, is treated like a disease that has to be eradicated. And, of course, that is the goal of Israel's just as white brother Edom. It is the noticeable beginning of the war against the saints we read about in Revelation 13. [See the Feature articles, Is That You, Big Brother?, Isaiah 63: Big Brother, and Obadiah And The Prophetic Parable Of The Tares; also How To Combat Whiteness]. Of those attacking our birthright "white privilege," who would be willing to forego use of all those "white privilege" inventions and discoveries that have blessed the world? [See the Sneakers article, Critical Reasoning And Thinking, What CRT Use To Be].
As we read in the last chapter of Daniel, “And he [God] said, "Go, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” The US and Great Britain are in end-time Biblical prophecies in a big way. And the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy by Great Britain and the US can be verified in our history books and encyclopedias. [See the Sneakers article, Who Inflicted The Beast's Deadly Wound?; also read the answer to the fifth question in The Blind Man’s Elephant menu, Q&A, scroll down].
We will never get right with God as a Christian people until we know who we are, and come to the understanding of our Biblical history just as Orwell pointed out. It's only then that we can understand the word of God given to, and for us. It's only then that the path to righteousness before God will be become clear to us. And it's only then that we can get on track with the love of the truth of the word of God that we might be saved from the evil that is befalling us. Therefore, let us be wise, and clasp redemptive hands, so we “will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path,” for God's Spirit is true. [Pro. 2:9; see the Feature article, You Know You're A Christian When ...].
1 There are two similar English words in the Biblical record, Sion and Zion. The first use of the term Sion is in Deu. 4:48, "From Aroer, which is by the bank of the river Arnon, even unto mount Sion, which is Hermon ...." This refers to Mount Hermon as Sion. It is located on the border between Syria and Lebanon, in the Golan Heights area. The first Biblical use of the term Zion is in 2 Sam. 5:7, "Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David." This refers to Jerusalem. 2 Samuel is the second book of Kings before Jerome's Latin Vulgate translation broke up the Book of Kings into Samuel and Kings. The books of Samuel were written between 931-877 BCE. Thus even the use of the Biblical term Zion did not occur until about 3000 years ago, well after the death of our patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel.
As we can see the use of the terms Sion and Zion refer to a specific mountain, and to the ancient city of Jerusalem, which David took during his kingship. See 2 Sam. 5:6-16. The word Zion occurs in 152 verses in the KJV of the Biblical record, and refers to Jerusalem. Therefore, the term Zion relates Biblically more to David, and specifically Jerusalem, and not the land promises given to Abraham. [See Zec. 9:9; and Mat. 21:5].
The word Palestine [Heb., pᵊlešeṯ] occurs in the KJV Old Testament in the Book of Joel, 3:4, "Yea, and what have you to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will you render me a recompence? and if you recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head ...." Scholars believe Joel wrote his book about the time of the prophets Hosea and Amos, placing it about 790 BCE. However, the Hebrew pᵊlešeṯ occurs in the Book of Exodus, in chapter 15:14 as Palestina. The King James translators published the KJV in 1611.
The region known as Judaea, including Jerusalem, came under direct Roman Empire rule in 6 CE. Prior to this Jerusalem and its environs were under the direct control of the Greek Empire until from 323 to 63 BCE, when Pompey, of the Roman Republic, took the region of Judaea. Prior to the Greek Empire, Jerusalem/Judaea was territory of the Persian and Babylonian Empires. It was in 587 BCE that Babylon destroyed the city of Jerusalem, in the process of conquering Syria and Palestine.
Keep in mind the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem in the latter part of the first century, c. 70 CE, leaving behind only barren land devoid of all buildings and walls according to the first century historian Josephus. Then, after the Bar Kokhba revolt of 135 CE, the Roman Empire renamed its province Syria Palaestina. They built a Roman city on the former site of Jerusalem, naming it Aelia Capitolina. Jews were not allowed into the city under penalty of death, excepting Yom Kippur, and then they had to be out of town by sundown to avoid death. It remained a Roman city until 638 CE when taken by Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, and was renamed Jerusalem. It is the third holiest city in Islam behind Mecca and Medina. And for seven centuries up until 1918 and WW1, it was a key center of Islamic [Palestinian] culture. Jerusalem then became a city of the British Mandate for Palestine as established by the League of Nations in 1920. Thus, the modern day secular use of the terms Zionists and Zionism only have to do with the political organization started by Herzl in 1897. It is a term that has been misappropriated recently for political purposes of the Israeli Zionists and their "Greater Israel Plan." See the article, The Zionist Plan For Greater Israel, aka The "Oded Yinon Plan."
There is no "Greater Israel Plan" in the Biblical record. It is a modern man-made Zionist construct whose idea erroneously is a very loose predication based on the promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. As the current day Zionist Israeli government is controlled by the descendants of Esau/Edom, none of the land in this "Greater Israel Plan" ever was intended for Edom. [See the map for Edom's land in relation to the land of Israel, 2 Kingdoms: Israel And Judah]. Edom has taken on the appearance of being Jewish [Rev. 3:9], and therefore claiming something that the Biblical prophecies make clear is not meant for them. "They [Edom] carved out large possessions to themselves ... out of God's land ... it was the holy land which they [Edom] laid their sacrilegious hands upon. They did not own any dependence upon God, as the God of that land, nor acknowledge any remaining interest that Israel [in this case the descendants of Judah] had in it, but cast it out for a prey, as if they had won it in a lawful war. And this they did without any dread of God and his judgments and without any compassion for Israel [Jews] and their calamities ... Increasing wealth, by right or wrong, is all the joy of a worldly heart; and the calamities of God's people are all the joy of a despiteful mind." Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary, 1706, Vol. 4, Book of Ezekiel, p. 586ff, Eze. 36:5.
The modern day struggle we are experiencing now in the Middle East/West Asia, according to the prophecies, is Esau/Edom's attempt to regain the birthright from the House of Israel, and the House of Judah, i.e., the House of Jacob, prior to the return of Christ, and all that goes with it, that they sold to Jacob/Israel millennia ago. See Gen. 25:29-34, Heb. 12:16, 17, and Gen. 27. They will fail in this pursuit, but not without great destruction on the nations, Houses of Israel and Judah as we read in the end-times prophecies in the Book of Ezekiel. As noted above. "Surely I [our LORD] have spoken in My burning jealousy [Heb. qin'â, ardor, zeal] against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession ["... as if they had won it in a lawful war" see My land; see Eze. 47 for the borders of Israel after the return of Christ], with wholehearted joy and spiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey,” that is, "to take the land for a prey, its inhabitants being cast out." Sound familiar? Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Commentary Critical and Explanatory On The Whole Bible, 1871, Eze. 36:5.
From our footnote in Nope To Pope, "On December 10, 2015, the Vatican’s COMMISSION FOR RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH THE JEWS [those of Edom in this case, not those descended from Judah, Rev. 2:9, Rev. 3:9] published a remarkable document in which they proclaimed Catholicism [the church of Rome] to be a child of Judaism, praying to the same god and casually rejecting Jesus as living God, but talking about Him as a Talmudic teacher. They branded millions of Catholics as lesser Jews who reject the divinity of Christ." [Note: The Babylonian & Jerusalem Talmuds are comprised of non-Biblical, non-Old Testament Jewish, anti-Christian writings, Satanic Talmud, two to five hundred years after Christ, see Talmud, also see Dan. 11:37; also the Feature article, The Tie That Binds. The Roman church is denying that Jesus Christ was Jehovah, the anointed one is salvation, as does Edom, that is, he was the son of God in the flesh. They are buying into the Zionist lies saying he's just another guy. This is the Antichrist, or those not of God, that the apostle John warns us about in 1 John 4:1-3, 15].
"They reminded that 'The permanence of Israel is to be perceived as an 'historic' fact and a sign to be interpreted within God’s design.' [This is the core of the false Zionist's claim and their "Greater Israel Plan"]. They said that Judaism is not to be considered simply as another religion; the Jews are instead our “elder brothers” (Saint Pope John Paul II), our "fathers in faith." ... I have no doubts that this hastily and poorly written document was published by the Vatican, two months after the [Eastern Orthodox] Russians coming to the Middle East, with one aim, to place on the millions of deceived papists an unduly burden to defend “The permanence of [the Zionist Greater Israel Plan] Israel” as a part of “God’s design,” and how exactly should we count Jesus’ promise “You see all of these things, do you not? Truly I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down” [Mat. 24:2] into this “design of the permanence of Israel?” [, June 30, 2017].
The Matthew 24 quote refers to the Roman's first century destruction of Jerusalem that was under the rule of the Herods, who were Edomites, as noted by Josephus. For the end-times 21st century destruction of Jerusalem, Babylon the Great, the Beast, also ruled over by Edomites, and the False Prophet, read Rev. 18:9-24 and Rev. 19:20. This takes place immediately preceding the return of Christ. During the millennial time of peace, Jerusalem will be given a new name. As we read in Ezekiel 48:35, the city of Jerusalem , yᵊrûšālam, will be named, Jehovah Shammah,"The Lord is there." [Heb. יְהוָה שָׁם, yᵊhōvâ šāmâ].
See chapter 35, God's judgement on Edom. [Also the article, Trump Is From Edom, in reality, under the dominion of, Gen. 27:40]. It's an interesting interpretation from the Judah side of the coin, though Christianity is not descended from Rome, only the Roman Catholic church. The Roman church was not in existence when the Christian church began in Jerusalem in the early part of the first century on that Pentecost day. And Peter never was pope. [See the Sneakers article, Nope To Pope].
At the time of Christ in the first century, Rome was the fourth head of the Beast, the Great Image, in Daniel 2. The Ottoman Empire was the fifth head of the Great Image in Daniel. The next head, number six, is that of Edom, not Rome. See Rev. 13; also The Blind Man's Elephant, The Genesis Birthright p. 185ff]. Mt. Seir is Idumea, Edom. v. 35:10, "these two nations, these two countries" are a reference to the House of Israel and the House of Judah. As Matthew Henry stated in his commentary, "The restoration of God's Israel [the House of Israel and the House Of Judah] and the re-establishment of their city and temple are foretold in chapters 36 to the end." [See Eze. 37:15-28]. None of this includes the current Zionists of Edom.
2 "Jacob [the patriarch Israel] was guided in what he said by a spirit of prophecy, and not by natural affection; else he would have spoken with more tenderness of his beloved son Benjamin, concerning whom he only foresees and foretells this, that his posterity [Germany in the last days] should be a warlike tribe, strong and daring, and that they should enrich themselves with the spoils of their enemies-- that they should be active and busy in the world, and a tribe as much feared by their neighbours ...." Think WW1 and WW2. Matthew Henry Commentary, 1706, Genesis 49:27.
Yet, we should not confuse the current day wars and destruction caused by the US, especially in the Middle East, and most recently Ukraine, as extending our inheritance. Rather, the inheritance, the birthright has been usurped by Edom exactly as the Genesis 27:40, 41 prophesy says, "And Esau [Edom] hated Jacob [Israel] because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob. And by your sword shall you live [MIC], and shall serve your brother; and it shall come to pass when you shall have the dominion, that you shall break his yoke from off your neck."
This is the process we see daily in our nations, especially with the covid scam designed to kill us as well as the CO2 climate hoax. The Jews we know as Zionists, those who push all things war, "living by the sword," are descendants of Esau/Edom, as was King Herod in the first century. [See Mat. 2:16-18]. They are not descendants of Judah despite their claims. See Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. Also Gen. 27:38-40, Gen. 25:23-26. This is where we are today in prophecy. This is why the US no longer is the country founded on the rule of law, the Constitution, and respect for our inalienable rights from God. The descendants of Edom have broken our yoke from off their neck, and inflict their rules based order on us and the world, casting aside any respect for international law. [2 Ths. 2:8-10].
Traditionally, Washington and Lincoln are considered the top two presidents in US history. As the prophecy in Genesis 48 states, Manasseh was to become a single great nation. George Washington led the colonies to that status in their breaking away from their brother Ephraim. Then as civil war threatened to split this single great nation in two, Abraham Lincoln was at the helm of the ship of state. The Union remained secure as the prophecy in Genesis 48 held true. In the case of President Lincoln, it was literally true. " ... let my name be named upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac ...." At two critical junctures, the argument could be made that both were civil wars, the Genesis 48 prophecy remained steadfast. Scripture cannot be broken. [John 10:35].
The British historian and professor of English Literature, Robert Payne, was quoted in one of David McCullough's other works, Truman, "She [the US] bestrides the world like a Colossus; no other power at any time in the world's history has possessed so varied or so great an influence on other nations ... It is already an axiom that the decisions of the American government affect the lives and livelihood of the remotest people. Half the wealth of the world, more than half the productivity, nearly two-thirds of the world's machines are concentrated in American hands ...." [p. 733]. Though today, this diminishing power resides in the hands of Edom rather than Manasseh and Ephraim, which is why the world has seen a change in US character and policies since the end of WW2 and Truman's tenure in office.
Prophetically, however, it’s all in the family as Joseph’s sons exactly as it says in Genesis 48.
If you read chapters five and six of The Blind Man’s Elephant, now a complimentary PDF at the bottom of the Home page, the answer to the US and Great Britain's Biblical ancestry, our heritage and our current circumstances are readily apparent. Also see the Feature article, Paul Was An Apostle To The House Of Israel, Not The Gentiles. If you read any number of the articles on this site, the answer is provided within them as well. In fact, a collective reading of these articles should paint a very good big picture for you. See the Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins for its implications concerning the near future of the US and Great Britain as well as the nations of the Christian West.
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*Holy Bible, New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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"As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."