Editorial Preview:
Christianity in the first century, we discover, is much different than the Christianity we experience today. The single message delivered by Christ and the apostles has fractured into more than 30,000 recognized denominations. What we perceive to be basic tenets of Christianity now, are dramatically different than what was first taught by Christ. When we add scientific fact into the spiritual mix along with our expanding awareness of the quantum world, many tenets of which we surprisingly find written in the pages of the Biblical record 3000 years ago, we re-discover the relevancy of the message of Christ to our daily lives. It is an amazing revelation, the astounding secret of Christianity hidden in plain sight, a glimpse into a lost 4000 year old mystery with Christ at its fulcrum completely changing the roles of the players with incredible implications for us in the 21st century.
Miller has laid out the arguments and logically addressed each point using the historical Biblical record and scientific fact in an adventurous style that uncovers many surprises for all readers, none more so than chapter six, The Genesis Birthright.
"So oft in theologic wars, The disputants I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance,
Of what each other mean, And prate about an elephant, Not one of them had seen." -- John Godfrey Saxe, 1881