Who Inflicted The Beast’s Deadly Wound In Revelation?
We’ve probably all heard or read about "The Beast" of Revelation having its deadly wound healed, but which head? “And I saw one of the heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” [Rev. 13:3]. What was the deadly wound? And which one of the heads was wounded to death? And who inflicted it? When we know our place in Biblical history, we can know our place in Biblical prophecy. The Biblical record interprets itself, and provides the answers we seek. No guessing required. So, let’s go to the source, the book of Daniel first, and then to the book of Revelation.
There can be a bit of uncertainty about "one of the heads" being wounded to death. If we look at it with one eye on Daniel, it can be taken one way. If we look at it with our other eye on Revelation, we get a different view. But, with both eyes working together, it focuses our understanding. To clarify, we need to point out two things. First, the image in Daniel 2 is referred to as the great image. "You, O king, saw, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before you; and the appearance thereof caused people to fear." [Aramaic verb, דְּחַל, dechal, to make afraid, Dan. 2:31]. The five kingdoms from the head of fine gold of Babylon to the Ottoman's feet of iron and miry clay are one image in Daniel. Second, the complete image of the beast mentioned in Revelation is a beast with seven heads and ten horns, which is inclusive of the five heads or empires in Daniel's great image, but separated in time by the deadly wound. [See the Feature article, The Relevance Of The Holy Days In The Plan Of God In The Last Days].
The only head of the great image in Daniel, when taken as a whole, was Babylon. Individually, however, from Revelation's point of view, Babylon was the first of seven heads, of which five are fallen. The five fallen heads are those empires that comprised Daniel's great image. These are five empires that succeeded each other continuously over 2500 years into Daniel’s future. The great image ended precisely in the year foretold in Daniel’s prophecy, and exactly by whom he said it would. Remember, when we know our place in Biblical history, we can know our place in Biblical prophecy.
The deadly wound incurred by the beast occurred when the fifth of these empires came to an end, marking the end of Daniel’s great image. For the amazing details of the fifth of these empires, including historical references, the timing prophecies, including the "mene mene tekal upharsin" clue, and the names of the ten toes of this fifth kingdom, read Chapter Five, p. 157, of The Blind Man’s Elephant, now a complimentary copy at the bottom of the Home page.
These five heads, the empires were the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman and Ottoman empires. Or as it is described in Daniel, “This image’s head was of fine gold; his breast and arms of silver; his belly and thighs of brass; his legs of iron; his feet part of iron and part of clay.” [Dan. 2:32, 33]. Each empire was one of the beast’s five heads of the seven mentioned in Revelation 12, 13 and 17. So when we read in Rev. 13:3 that one of its heads was wounded to death, in context it is a reference to Daniel's great image prophecy with Babylon as its head.
However, when the deadly wound is healed, the sixth head or empire emerges [the one is, Rev. 17:12]. “And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” [Rev. 13:12]. One is is the sixth head of this beast, alive once again, but separated in time by more than 100 years from these previous five empires. So the great image of Daniel, the five empires, which are the first five heads of the seven headed beast in Revelation, came to an end. These five flowed directly from one into another without any time gap. But there is a time gap between head five and head six. Hence, the deadly wound. So when head six arises, Babylon the Great, the deadly wound, the time gap, will be gone and the "wound healed." [See the Feature articles, Obadiah And The Prophetic Parable Of The Tares concerning the "one is; again see, The Relevance Of The Holy Days In The Plan Of God In The Last Days].
For the sake of clarity, we need to remember that the first five heads or empires, which were contiguous over a period of 2500 plus years, are referred to as a “great image.” That is, these five kingdoms were considered a single prophetic entity in the book of Daniel. Second, individually, each kingdom represents one of the heads or empires of the seven-headed beast mentioned in Revelation 13, "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." [See the Feature article, Ten Horns, Ten Nations].
Now when we read that “The Beast” of Revelation, 666, Babylon the Great causes the world’s inhabitants to worship the first beast, it is referring specifically to its head of gold, which was the first Babylon. Babylon the Great is the sixth head of this seven headed beast, a resurrected Babylon, back to life after the great image's deadly wound. This is what the Babylonian goddess Easter/Ishtar is all about. [Rev. 17:5; Ishtar Gate, Lions, Dragons, Ancient Babylon; Rev. 13:2, Lion, Dragon]. Easter Sunday is about a resurrection, but from the deadly wound. It's not in any way linked to the resurrection of Christ, which occurred on a weekly Sabbath. It's a clever and subtle bait and switch deception by the great red dragon to which Christianity has fallen prey. [See the Feature article, Easter, Babylon And The Antichrist].
However, the fifth head of the beast, the last empire of Daniel's great image, the Ottoman Empire, ended a little more than 100 years ago. As we noted, Daniel's great image with its head of gold, Babylon, suffered a deadly wound. The continuity from the head of gold, Babylon to the Ottoman’s feet of iron and clay stopped. As Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar about his dream, “You saw until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image upon its feet [not the toes] that were of iron and clay, and brake them in pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken in pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them ....” [Dan. 2:34, 35]. Thus, the deadly wound.
Once the fifth empire ended, no more trace of Daniel’s great image was to be found. It was a dead entity. More than 2500 years of continuous existence ended. And today, we do not have a trace of these empires still in existence, though not for a lack of trying by Turkiye's Erdogan. The end of the Ottoman Empire marked the end of the great image portion of the beast in Daniel. The great image, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar as its head of gold, was wounded to death.
But, who was it that inflicted the deadly wound, which was a wound by the sword or war [see Rev. 13:14] that ended the beast image of these five empires? It was primarily Great Britain and to a lesser extent, the US at the end of World War One. It made T.E. Lawrence famous as Lawrence of Arabia. The great part of the territory over which these five empires had ruled, which always had included at the zenith of their power ancient Babylon and Jerusalem, now became known as British Mandate Palestine. It is ironic, and prophetic, that the artificial borders that were drawn up by the British Sykes and the French Picot [Reuben, Gen. 49:3] at the end of WW1 are responsible for much of the turmoil that is giving rise to head six, Babylon the Great. [See The updated Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins; also Drawing International Borders With A Straight Edge Ruler and Source Documents: The Origin Of Middle East Borders And Nations].
Daniel 2 also says that "the stone that struck the image became a great mountain [or kingdom] and filled the whole earth.” This has a double meaning as well. It refers to the kingdom of God established by Christ at his first coming, and implemented at his second coming. "And in the days of these kings [the five empires in Daniel chapter 2, specifically head four, the Roman Empire] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." [Dan. 2:44; see Mat. 16:18, Peter, a rock or stone; the Feature article, Is The Kingdom Of Heaven Here Yet?; Rev. 11:15].
Specifically, however, the great image of the beast in Daniel, with the first five heads of the seven in Revelation, was wounded to death by the birthright sons of the House of Israel [1 Chr. 5:1; Mat. 15:24], Great Britain and the US, the sons of Joseph, at the end of WWI, guided by the hand of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Stone, the Rock of Israel. [See 1 Sam. 2:1, 2; 2 Sam. 23:3; Mat. 21:42; 1 Cor. 10:1-4]. As we read about the sons of Joseph in the last days, it is said, “But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob ["by no human hand"] (from there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel) ….” Thus, it was the hand of our LORD working through Great Britain and the US that fulfilled the prophecy in Daniel that led to the end of the great image in Daniel, and the deadly wound. [Gen 49:24; see the Feature article, Is The US And Great Britain In End-times Bible Prophecy?].
As the Edomite-Zionist Babylon the Great is emerging today, ironically its primary source of increasing strength and power comes from the life blood of Great Britain and the US. [For the reasons why, see the Feature articles, And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor and Why Do We Believe The Lies?]. The apostasy of the nations of the House of Israel, which inflicted the beast's deadly wound at the end of WW1, are at the forefront of "giving life" to Babylon the Great, the sixth head of the beast exactly as told in other Biblical record prophecies. [Zionist Israel's Dominion Over UK, Ephraim, US, Manasseh; again, see the Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins].
For more information, read the Feature articles, The Little Horn: First Century Antichrist, and The War Dispatches. Also be sure to read chapters five and six in The Blind Man’s Elephant for an in-depth analysis. There's a complimentary downloadable copy at the bottom of the Home page.
Italics, bold, and [ ] are the author's.
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There can be a bit of uncertainty about "one of the heads" being wounded to death. If we look at it with one eye on Daniel, it can be taken one way. If we look at it with our other eye on Revelation, we get a different view. But, with both eyes working together, it focuses our understanding. To clarify, we need to point out two things. First, the image in Daniel 2 is referred to as the great image. "You, O king, saw, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before you; and the appearance thereof caused people to fear." [Aramaic verb, דְּחַל, dechal, to make afraid, Dan. 2:31]. The five kingdoms from the head of fine gold of Babylon to the Ottoman's feet of iron and miry clay are one image in Daniel. Second, the complete image of the beast mentioned in Revelation is a beast with seven heads and ten horns, which is inclusive of the five heads or empires in Daniel's great image, but separated in time by the deadly wound. [See the Feature article, The Relevance Of The Holy Days In The Plan Of God In The Last Days].
The only head of the great image in Daniel, when taken as a whole, was Babylon. Individually, however, from Revelation's point of view, Babylon was the first of seven heads, of which five are fallen. The five fallen heads are those empires that comprised Daniel's great image. These are five empires that succeeded each other continuously over 2500 years into Daniel’s future. The great image ended precisely in the year foretold in Daniel’s prophecy, and exactly by whom he said it would. Remember, when we know our place in Biblical history, we can know our place in Biblical prophecy.
The deadly wound incurred by the beast occurred when the fifth of these empires came to an end, marking the end of Daniel’s great image. For the amazing details of the fifth of these empires, including historical references, the timing prophecies, including the "mene mene tekal upharsin" clue, and the names of the ten toes of this fifth kingdom, read Chapter Five, p. 157, of The Blind Man’s Elephant, now a complimentary copy at the bottom of the Home page.
These five heads, the empires were the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman and Ottoman empires. Or as it is described in Daniel, “This image’s head was of fine gold; his breast and arms of silver; his belly and thighs of brass; his legs of iron; his feet part of iron and part of clay.” [Dan. 2:32, 33]. Each empire was one of the beast’s five heads of the seven mentioned in Revelation 12, 13 and 17. So when we read in Rev. 13:3 that one of its heads was wounded to death, in context it is a reference to Daniel's great image prophecy with Babylon as its head.
However, when the deadly wound is healed, the sixth head or empire emerges [the one is, Rev. 17:12]. “And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” [Rev. 13:12]. One is is the sixth head of this beast, alive once again, but separated in time by more than 100 years from these previous five empires. So the great image of Daniel, the five empires, which are the first five heads of the seven headed beast in Revelation, came to an end. These five flowed directly from one into another without any time gap. But there is a time gap between head five and head six. Hence, the deadly wound. So when head six arises, Babylon the Great, the deadly wound, the time gap, will be gone and the "wound healed." [See the Feature articles, Obadiah And The Prophetic Parable Of The Tares concerning the "one is; again see, The Relevance Of The Holy Days In The Plan Of God In The Last Days].
For the sake of clarity, we need to remember that the first five heads or empires, which were contiguous over a period of 2500 plus years, are referred to as a “great image.” That is, these five kingdoms were considered a single prophetic entity in the book of Daniel. Second, individually, each kingdom represents one of the heads or empires of the seven-headed beast mentioned in Revelation 13, "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." [See the Feature article, Ten Horns, Ten Nations].
Now when we read that “The Beast” of Revelation, 666, Babylon the Great causes the world’s inhabitants to worship the first beast, it is referring specifically to its head of gold, which was the first Babylon. Babylon the Great is the sixth head of this seven headed beast, a resurrected Babylon, back to life after the great image's deadly wound. This is what the Babylonian goddess Easter/Ishtar is all about. [Rev. 17:5; Ishtar Gate, Lions, Dragons, Ancient Babylon; Rev. 13:2, Lion, Dragon]. Easter Sunday is about a resurrection, but from the deadly wound. It's not in any way linked to the resurrection of Christ, which occurred on a weekly Sabbath. It's a clever and subtle bait and switch deception by the great red dragon to which Christianity has fallen prey. [See the Feature article, Easter, Babylon And The Antichrist].
However, the fifth head of the beast, the last empire of Daniel's great image, the Ottoman Empire, ended a little more than 100 years ago. As we noted, Daniel's great image with its head of gold, Babylon, suffered a deadly wound. The continuity from the head of gold, Babylon to the Ottoman’s feet of iron and clay stopped. As Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar about his dream, “You saw until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image upon its feet [not the toes] that were of iron and clay, and brake them in pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken in pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them ....” [Dan. 2:34, 35]. Thus, the deadly wound.
Once the fifth empire ended, no more trace of Daniel’s great image was to be found. It was a dead entity. More than 2500 years of continuous existence ended. And today, we do not have a trace of these empires still in existence, though not for a lack of trying by Turkiye's Erdogan. The end of the Ottoman Empire marked the end of the great image portion of the beast in Daniel. The great image, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar as its head of gold, was wounded to death.
But, who was it that inflicted the deadly wound, which was a wound by the sword or war [see Rev. 13:14] that ended the beast image of these five empires? It was primarily Great Britain and to a lesser extent, the US at the end of World War One. It made T.E. Lawrence famous as Lawrence of Arabia. The great part of the territory over which these five empires had ruled, which always had included at the zenith of their power ancient Babylon and Jerusalem, now became known as British Mandate Palestine. It is ironic, and prophetic, that the artificial borders that were drawn up by the British Sykes and the French Picot [Reuben, Gen. 49:3] at the end of WW1 are responsible for much of the turmoil that is giving rise to head six, Babylon the Great. [See The updated Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins; also Drawing International Borders With A Straight Edge Ruler and Source Documents: The Origin Of Middle East Borders And Nations].
Daniel 2 also says that "the stone that struck the image became a great mountain [or kingdom] and filled the whole earth.” This has a double meaning as well. It refers to the kingdom of God established by Christ at his first coming, and implemented at his second coming. "And in the days of these kings [the five empires in Daniel chapter 2, specifically head four, the Roman Empire] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." [Dan. 2:44; see Mat. 16:18, Peter, a rock or stone; the Feature article, Is The Kingdom Of Heaven Here Yet?; Rev. 11:15].
Specifically, however, the great image of the beast in Daniel, with the first five heads of the seven in Revelation, was wounded to death by the birthright sons of the House of Israel [1 Chr. 5:1; Mat. 15:24], Great Britain and the US, the sons of Joseph, at the end of WWI, guided by the hand of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Stone, the Rock of Israel. [See 1 Sam. 2:1, 2; 2 Sam. 23:3; Mat. 21:42; 1 Cor. 10:1-4]. As we read about the sons of Joseph in the last days, it is said, “But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob ["by no human hand"] (from there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel) ….” Thus, it was the hand of our LORD working through Great Britain and the US that fulfilled the prophecy in Daniel that led to the end of the great image in Daniel, and the deadly wound. [Gen 49:24; see the Feature article, Is The US And Great Britain In End-times Bible Prophecy?].
As the Edomite-Zionist Babylon the Great is emerging today, ironically its primary source of increasing strength and power comes from the life blood of Great Britain and the US. [For the reasons why, see the Feature articles, And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor and Why Do We Believe The Lies?]. The apostasy of the nations of the House of Israel, which inflicted the beast's deadly wound at the end of WW1, are at the forefront of "giving life" to Babylon the Great, the sixth head of the beast exactly as told in other Biblical record prophecies. [Zionist Israel's Dominion Over UK, Ephraim, US, Manasseh; again, see the Feature article, Damascus A Heap Of Ruins].
For more information, read the Feature articles, The Little Horn: First Century Antichrist, and The War Dispatches. Also be sure to read chapters five and six in The Blind Man’s Elephant for an in-depth analysis. There's a complimentary downloadable copy at the bottom of the Home page.
Italics, bold, and [ ] are the author's.
Be sure to check our Newslink section regularly for relevant secular articles.
© copyrighted material 2007-2025. www.redshoe.com All rights reserved.
Notice to readers. All redshoe generated articles may be hyperlinked or copied to PDF format for use as long as no editing or alteration of content is made. See Menu banner for other terms of use.