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Updated: To The Moon

Self-awareness and curiosity are linked. This goes beyond just having awareness. For example, when someone reads this or another article, how are you relating to it? Is it, I’m reading an article about theology or Christianity and it says, blah, blah, blah? This means we have read the words, and understood the meaning of the words. But when we finish reading the article, we have finished relating to it. We’ve encountered, but we’ve not engaged. When we read that Christ said he was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, we may be aware of what we are reading, but it sort of glances off us, not being incorporated into our daily personal consciousness. We're not a participant. This is analogous to looking at the moon, thinking it's made of green cheese, as opposed to going there and finding out ... it's not.

When we are self-aware, we take the next step with the information we've read. It penetrates into our daily existence. We probe its veracity by putting it to the test in our lives. This is a much different approach than being gullible, accepting something at face value, like a moon made of green cheese, because someone told us it is, or we think it is or want it to be despite evidence to the contrary. Curiosity enters the picture when we become engaged. It's the verb in a life of nouns. We ask valid questions about our relationship to Christ. If Christ was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, then we might be a descendant of Israel and Abraham? And if we are descendants of Abraham, Israel, then the Old Testament is our book too? Then this means that an entire lost world has opened up for us to explore. [See the Sneakers articles, We Don't Believe You and His Treasured Possession].

The lessons contained in the Old Testament no longer are abstract moral lessons, but they are actual events that our ancestors lived or died in. It now becomes "my family history." The annual holy Sabbath days are a perfect example of this. [See the Feature article, The Relevance Of The Holy Days In The Plan Of God In The Last Days]. What once was just a book, the Old Testament, is now relevant history. And for those curious enough to discover, it opens our eyes to our current events. It takes us beyond what we may have thought of as "ancient scripture scribblings." Suddenly, we change from reading about the events of the "Apocalypse"1 to realizing ... it's happening to me in my lifetime. What do I do now?! [See the Feature articles, Why Do We Believe The Lies? and The Princes Of A Plundered House and the Feature article, The Risk Of Loving The Truth].

How and when did Christianity morph away from this first century path to our general lack of self-awareness and understanding today? [See the Feature articles, Moving Forward, The Tale Of Two Covenants and We're Abraham's Seed And Heirs, Not Gentiles].

When we experience this change from an abstract awareness to self-actualized awareness, our worldview changes, our personal paradigm changes too. When this happens, we emotionally engage as well. We go from being a spectator to being a participant. It’s like reading about or watching a sprinter winning a race at the Olympics to becoming the sprinter on the track crossing the finish line first. It’s a tremendous difference in perspective, especially when it comes to our end-times prophetic events. And as long as you are drawing a breath, our end-times Christianity is a participant endeavor. There's no such thing as sitting in the stands. Therefore, reading words on paper or a screen is only the passive information of a spectator. As a participant, it morphs into something with meaning for us. It connects to our neurons on many different, meaningful levels.

Once we internalize information, curiosity enters into the equation. But it’s a personal or internal curiosity. It is this threshold that is important for us to cross when we look into matters of theology. It puts the verb in our Christian lives. Once we do, what we read matters to us in a way it didn’t before. Why was Christ only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel? Why does Peter say we are a chosen generation? [1 Pet. 2:9]. What does this mean for me? You mean I’m not just another run-of-the-mill gentile? I have a special relationship with Christ? Now we have a motivation that is personal. We know that the truth really does have an impact in our lives. We take the first step to becoming a Christian in deed by changing from our complacent, dead works behavior. [See the Feature article, You Know You're A Christian When ... and the Sneakers article, Name Those Tenets].

When we read facts, information printed on a page or screen, and self-awareness and curiosity are missing, then it is merely a bunch of items of which we are aware. Boring. It’s as if they exist, disconnected, without meaning in the nether regions of our minds. They do us no good. They are of no benefit. They are only mental clutter.

The Home page section on our web site has a question mark banner [with some symbolism in there too] and curiosity quotes for a reason. The authors, Chopra and Tanzi, in their book Super Brain point out, “Knowledge is not rooted in facts, but is rooted in curiosity.” Perhaps this is why Einstein said, “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” And he is spot about our current educational system, which have become student loan debt factories intent on producing lobotomized yellow pencils in a box despite the fabricated chatter of diversity on campuses.

Great teachers do more than load us with facts, they inspire curiosity to seek the truth about the world we live in. They set our minds ablaze with all sorts of intriguing possibilities we never imagined before. It's real diversity and freedom of thought. It's stirs us to action. It’s like the curiosity we had as little kids with a whole new world to explore. As Christ said, “Don’t forbid the little children to come to me, for the kingdom [Greek, basileia, the power and authority of God] of heaven belongs to such as these.” [Mat. 19:14]. Curiosity is one of the most powerful tools the human mind possesses. It not only knocks on doors, but knocks them down to get an answer, the factual knowledge we seek. Curiosity is the opposite of the incessant spoon fed lies and social propaganda spewed forth by governments and educational/social institutions meant to overwhelm and numb our spirit into apathy.

About 500 years ago many people believed the Earth to be flat as a pancake. Yet, despite this particular erroneous belief, the historical societal records show our ancestors acknowledged the biological distinctions between the males and females of our human species. Claiming men are men and women are women was not perceived to be a controversial statement back then anything like like claiming that the Earth was a globe. For those of you wishing to be precise, yes, according to the geodesy branch of mathematics, our planet is an oblate spheroid. Today, however, this thinking has flip-flopped.

The "pancake" theory is espoused by flat-earthers nowadays despite the copious amount of fact-based evidence produced by mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc. And today, there are those who espouse the theory that we can change our sex just by thinking it, ignoring the obvious biology, aka the facts of life. The "I think it, therefore it makes it so" mentality, a centuries old failed credo as proven by the pope and his cardinals, turned out to be nothing more than a self-delusional theory, a cognitive placebo in defense of their man-made authority over their religious adherents. They refused to follow the Christian apostle Paul's advice, "Prove, [Greek, dokimazō, to put it to the test for verification] all things; hold fast that which is good." [1 Ths. 5:21]. They declined the invitation to look through Galileo's telescope to discover the truth.

This "I think it, therefore it makes it so" philosophy hasn't stood the test of time as has Descartes' "Je pense, donc je suis," or for you Latin philosophy buffs, Cogito, ergo sum. Sadly, those who espouse the popish theoretical approach to life will discover that they are woefully equipped for the reality of the "Apocalypse," whose preliminary events are revealing themselves a bit more each day.

But, a few honest, self-aware men of integrity back then were curious enough to want to know the truth for themselves. They defied the pope and his cardinals, who by thinking the world was flat, and that the Sun orbited the Earth, made it so. For good reason, that's the time in Western history we call the Dark Ages. History does repeat itself when we abandon the truth. Men like Galileo and others weren’t satisfied until they got their answers and proved them to the world with observable facts. And it only took the Roman church nearly 360 years to begrudgingly acknowledge Galileo was right. Galileo and others diligently sought factual proof for their beliefs rather than making stuff up in their heads. We’ve all benefited from their curiosity and their self-awareness. [See The Blind Man's Elephant, Chapter Three, pp. 123-126].

As a result, two men, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, landed on the moon based on observable, provable fact, both mathematical and biological, well before the Roman church owned up to their extraterrestrial blunder. [Moon Math and Spacesuit Biology]. Attention NASA, apparently transgender folks claim that "biology is irrelevant." [Pity the poor Biology majors with student loan debt. Just a thought, but what will Harvard do with all their biology profs and course requirements?] If their blanket claim is true, that the normal functions of our body parts, including all our vital organs, lungs for example, are irrelevant, then they would not need spacesuits as their postulate states. Think of all the weight and money taxpayers could save on future moon missions with astronauts dressed only in t-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops. Maybe NASA could convince someone to volunteer. Are there any Galileos among them that will step forward and put it to the "green cheese" test as Galileo would have done?

In the interest of science, perhaps an interim way forward would be to have one of these true believer "biology is irrelevant" volunteers climb Mt. Everest dressed like that. Then, we could settle the "I think it, therefore it makes it so ... biology is irrelevant" issue once and for all. From my non-Himalaya hiking experience, however, we'd likely get our answer long before the end of the 65-mile trek in flip-flops to the first base camp due to potential high altitude sickness up at 18,000 feet [5500 meters] and severe hypothermia, where it's about -5 degrees F, -30 C, which is much warmer than at the summit. Both of these biological events appear to be quite relevant to the normal function of our body parts. To be fair, however, if they can prove biology is irrelevant, and make it to the top of Everest and back down clad only in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops, then who could argue their point? If they can't, would they recant? But, maybe we're being too judgemental. After all, Christians teach their children to think Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real. [Pro. 22:6, Gal. 6:7].

Back on July 20, 1969, the moon went from our collective awareness, "There’s the moon,” to a collective species self-awareness of putting two biological men there (dressed in spacesuits because biology is, as proven in the real universe, extremely relevant), set in motion by JFK’s famous “We choose to go to the moon” speech.

For Christians, our goal is far greater. Once we become self-aware, curiosity inspires a passion for the love of the truth of the word of God that we might be saved. [2 Ths. 2:10]. Otherwise, our gullible acceptance of the lies and false traditions foisted on us by false prophets during the past 2000 years are a path that leads to suffering and death. A Christian's self-awareness, then, fueled by curiosity, opens the way to acquiring the love of the truth of the word of God. Ipso facto, we choose to seek the kingdom of God.

P.S. - Remember, "Truth exists. Lies are created." Genesis 1:27 and Truth exists.

1  The word Apocalypse is put in quotation marks because in Greek, it simply means a revealing, or to reveal. See the Feature article, Apokalypsis. However, in common usage it has come to mean the "end of the world," in reality end of the Christian age events mentioned in the Book of Revelation. However, many of the events to take place written of in the Book of Revelation are mentioned in great detail in the books of the Old Testament prophets as well. The opening of the sixth seal in chapter six of Revelation, for example, is also mentioned in Isa. 34. And much of the Book of Ezekiel relates to our end-time events. See the Sneakers article, Ezekiel's Prophetic Headlines.

Italics, underline and [ ] are the author's.

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